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Having radiant skin, healthy hair and strong nails is important for your wedding day and your beauty therapist is one of the best people to help you achieve this with the products and treatments she has available at her fingertips.

But another thing you need to consider is what is happening from the inside? As you know, your skin, hair and nails are all created, nourished and renewed from the inside. So this means you are able to improve their appearance by working from within – if you know the secrets to achieving this.

Bestow Beauty is an intensive range of internal cosmetics that make use of will help you look fabulous on your wedding day.

Your moisturiser from within

  • A great-tasting, edible oil that is mixed or poured over your food to nourish your skin, hair and nails from the inside
  • Keeps your skin supple and smooth
  • Helps prevent blockages and ‘breakouts’
  • Ensures your skin’s oil is healing and anti-inflammatory
  • Helps reduce redness in inflamed skin
  • Helps treat skin problems from acne to eczema.

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Your edible cosmetic

  • A delicious smoothie powder that delivers the same anti-aging ingredients that your skin care does only directly to the cells that use them in the deepest layers of your skin.
  • Feeds your skin, hair and nails with all the nutrients they need to be strong, healthy and beautiful
  • Contains flaxseed fibre, kelp, spirulina, wheatgrass, alfalfa, coconut, blackcurrant extract & pumpkin flour.

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Detoxify, purify, beautify

Your skin tends to reflect what’s happening on the inside. If your body isn’t eliminating toxins efficiently, this can result in dull, devitalised skin, and can contribute to many skin disorders such as acne, blemishes and eczema.
Bestow Be Cleansed is a natural detox powder designed to bestow a clearer, more radiant complexion by encouraging the liver and bowel to (gently) eliminate toxins.

Bride image by Tauranga photographers Katie & Quinn Photography


  • September 17, 2015

Fermented foods are beneficial for general health, and one of the great ways to keep your gut healthy is through drinking Kombucha. For those who are new to this, Kombucha is a fermented tea-based beverage. It is made using a starter mushroom called a “SCOBY” that activates and propels the tea-based drink (by eating sugar) to become a gut-healing beverage.

As well as promoting gut health, Kombucha also does the following:

  • It detoxifies the body
  • It supports the nervous system
  • It’s anti-aging and supports the joints
  • It’s anti-microbial
  • It decreases sugar cravings

One of the concerns people often have with Kombucha is the sugar needed to make it. The sugar in Kombucha is essential as that is what the SCOBY feeds off, creating fermentation and a bunch of wonderful bacteria. We recommend using organic white sugar where possible.

Through the fermentation process the sugar largely disappears and ideally you are left with 1 per cent sugar. In a 100ml serve that’s about ¼ of a teaspoon of sugar, or 1/8 teaspoon of fructose. Be aware that many pre made bottles of Kombucha have higher levels of sugar so try and find one that is less than 5g per 100ml. Also remember, 100ml is all you would need in a day to get a good dose of the benefits of Kombucha.

If you are making your own you could do a taste test after around day 4 or 5 at which stage the brew will be still be slightly sweet but with a good hint of tartness. To get down to under 10g of sugar per litre (i.e. 1%) the brew should be left until around day 7 to 10 (based on an average temperature of 24 degrees). If fermented longer the sugar levels may be even lower but be prepared for a tart tasting brew.

Although, there is a small amount of sugar left after the fermentation process if you stick to around 100ml a day then you will be consuming minimal amounts of sugar and it is definitely worth the amount of goodness you get!


  • August 28, 2015

A common question I’m being asked is what the difference is between the Bestow Beauty Powder and the Beauty from Beneath capsules.

Nutritionally they have similar goals; to provide the nutrients the skin requires for collagen and elastin production, to heal effectively, and for health and beauty. But how they do this is completely different…

The Beauty Powder is a blend of super-foods chosen because of the nutrients they contain. The advantages of this approach are that, being food-based, the nutrients in the Beauty Powder are very bio-available (easily absorbed by our bodies) and will also contain nutrients that we’re not even aware of yet. For example, it wasn’t so long ago we didn’t know of the existence of phytochemicals such as lycopene or resveratrol, but they have always been available in our food and that’s the advantage of using something supplied by nature.

The Beauty from Beneath is supplement-based so the advantage is that you can guarantee the quantities of nutrients whereas food levels naturally fluctuate with each harvest. It’s also very convenient to take and easy to travel with.

You may find that you naturally gravitate to one or the other. It could be because of your diet or lifestyle, maybe you always have a smoothie so the powder is an easy addition or alternatively, you could travel a lot and prefer the convenience of a capsule. Or it could be a philosophy that makes one option more attractive than the other, for example you only eat organic, whole food or you prefer the guarantee a supplement that provides higher levels of nutrients.

Or you could be like me and take both the powder and the capsules so you receive all the anti-ageing nutrients from both sources – the ultimate insurance!

See our stockists to order.

  • July 28, 2015

We all know that looking after ourselves is important but somehow it seems like a struggle for many of us. It can be overwhelming at the best of times to make sure we are eating well, resting, exercising, and doing all those other things that ensure our overall health and wellbeing is good.

So we decided to make it a bit easier by giving you a list of 20 things you can focus on that will help your overall health and wellbeing. Be sure to take note of those things you already doing and then focus on a few at a time to work on until they just become part of your life.

1. Start fresh every single day
Leave behind the negative feelings and thoughts of yesterday, today is a new day.

2. Adopt a “meatless Monday” mentality
For recipe ideas check out this fun website

3. Keep your phone in your bag when you’re out with people
Be present in the moment and enjoy the company

4. Cut back on sugar
Cutting back on the white stuff in all its forms can help improve the quality of your collagen, helping stop premature aging and wrinkles

5. Drink warm water with lemon daily on rising
A simple yet effective way to prepare your body to digest your most important meal of the day, breakfast

6. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach
We all know why! It ends up costing more and we often make unhelpful food choices

7. Eat whole foods as much as possible
The less processed food you consume, the better!

8. Don’t overdo the alcohol
Alcohol heats and dehydrates your skin (red wine in particular stimulates and weakens capillaries) as well as putting stress on your liver

9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Water is one of the key nutrients needed for skin health, important in hydrating your skin from the inside

10. Make your home a place you want to be
A place to rest and relax

11. Don’t buy things you’ll only wear once
It happens to the best of us…. doing it less will save money… think of what you could do with that money instead

12. Use YouTube for free exercise videos
We particularly like this Pilates one

13. Google “how to make your own cleaning supplies”
You might even find one you want to try!

14. Listen to your body
It speaks to you all the time, so keep an ear out

15. Don’t skimp on sleep
Sleep gives you energy and allows your body to rest and recover. It is especially important during the hours of 10pm and 2am when your liver does its daily washing cycle, cleaning the body internally.

16. Do mental health checks
Checking in with yourself mentally is just as important as looking after your physical health. It can be as simple as asking yourself how you are feeling at the moment or check out this information sheet for something more in depth details

17. Read labels on everything from food to makeup
It is always good to know what you are giving your body, whether through eating or what you are putting on your skin

18. Prioritise stress management
Stress creates all sorts of problems with our health and wellbeing, it can heat our skin and affect our gut health to name a few. Help manage stress with regular exercise, making time for fun and relaxation and adopting a healthy lifestyle

19. Always wear a seatbelt, even in a taxi
Your life is precious – do what you can to be safe

20. Count your blessings
Be grateful for what you have, it is enough

  • July 17, 2015

Cold winter temperatures reduce the blood flow to our extremities, meaning our skin may not get the nutrition it needs and this can really affect your hands. If you have noticed your hands getting dry, nails brittle and painful hangnails forming, then this could be the problem.

Moisturisers and hand creams have been shown to buffer your skin from the cold. The temperature of the skin doesn’t drop as far and it returns to its base point much faster if we have applied a generous coating of cream. So don’t leave the house without a slathering of hand cream and your gloves, and whenever you wash your hands during the day, replace that protective layer with another application of hand cream.

At night, give your hands a soak in warm water containing a few drops of your Janesce Soaking Drops. Maybe use the water left over from your skin care routine. Then mist your still damp skin with your Janesce Floral Mist and lock the moisture in with your Janesce Handcream. This is the perfect treatment for supple, nourished hands and nails.

  • July 9, 2015