What we put INTO our body is just as important as what we put ONTO our body. When it comes to skin we need to soothe it from the outside with beautiful skin care products as well as the inside with the foods we are eating.
While talking with women in the South Island this week, we discussed how easy it is to be fueling skin problems without being aware of it. Many of us tend to get little blockages or breakouts and wonder why?
Becoming more aware of the foods we are eating and what they are doing to our skin is the key to this. Are the foods you are eating congesting or smoothing?
- Ricotta, cottage cheese or feta
These are best enjoyed in small quantities and make a delicious addition to a salad, sandwich or savoury treat. They are great to use in place of hard cheeses which contain six times more saturated fat than steak.
- Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk or soy yoghurt
An alternative to full cream dairy products, these are lovely in desserts or the occasional coffee as well. Soy yoghurt and a little fresh fruit makes an easy and healthy snack.

- Grilled or baked lean meat dishes, organic chicken, turkey or fresh fish
These provide amazing nutrients for our body and are better options than eating mostly red meat. Try to reduce the red meat intake, trim off visible fat before cooking and avoid mince, sausages, pork and lamb (which all contain high levels of saturated fat).

- Grilled, steamed or baked foods, salads and stir fries
There is nothing more tempting that hot chips, takeaways or other fried foods when you are running short of time and are very hungry but trust us, go for the healthier option of grilling, steaming or baking your food and your skin will thank you. Salads and stir fries are quick, easy options to whip up that will be far more beneficial to your health and won’t leave you with that yucky feeling we so often get after consuming foods that are fried and high in fat, salt and sugar.
- Bestow French Dressing (ask your therapist for our recipe)
After you have whipped up your salad (instead of getting takeaways) be sure to top it off with Bestow French dressing, a healthy alternative to mayonnaise.

- Eggs, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, spirulina powder and brewers yeast
Protein powder, drink and bars seem all the rage at the moment but can have a congesting effect on the skin. Instead, go for any of the above ingredients mixed into a smoothie, sprinkled on a salad or eat on their own.
- Tahini, almond butter, raw, unsalted nuts and seeds
Like to snack on peanuts or spread peanut butter on your toast? Peanuts are prone to causing blockages in the skin so try Tahini as an alternative spread which is made of sesame seeds and is a great source of calcium. Otherwise, a more similar tasting option would be almond butter and this is also a wonderful source of magnesium and the most alkaline of all nuts. Snack on raw, unsalted nuts and seeds such as almonds and Brazil nuts instead of peanuts or cashews.
- Mejool dates and cacao balls
Dates are an amazing sweet treat to enjoy! They can be eaten on their own or made into balls. Mix dates and cacao in a food processor, roll into balls and sprinkle with LSA. You can add other nuts and seeds to these if you would like something a little adventurous. They make a great go to instead of chocolate when you need that sweet fix, otherwise, if you must have chocolate, the darker and more bitter, the better!

- Gelato
With summer over but the heat still lingering at times, opt for Gelato when out with friends instead of icecream.

- Warm milk or soy milk with a dash of cacao, molasses, cinnamon or honey
As those cold nights approach, try warm milk with a dash of honey and cinnamon instead of milo or hot chocolate; it gives that same warm, soothing feeling. Nothing like sitting in front of a fire with a hot drink in your hand!