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I assume you’ve heard the claims that Omega-6 fuels inflammation?

To be honest, I’m feeling increasingly frustrated about the mis-conceptions surrounding Omega-6. So, I’ve decided to do something about it.  In this article I share my beliefs about Omega-6 and the research and first-hand experiences that have shaped them.

So, here goes.

It has long been accepted by many that Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both important Essential Fatty Acid’s (EFAs) for health and wellbeing. EFA’s are a vital nutritional component in the treatment of skin disorders, which has been at the heart of my work for the last 20 years as a holistic skincare therapist, educator and dermo-nutritionist.

But somewhere along the way, Omega-6 got a bad rep for being pro-inflammatory and is sometimes viewed now with side-ways looks of suspicion.


I am not sure where this message about Omega-6 originated from, but there is a strong body of research that contradicts the pro-inflammatory claim. Perhaps, more importantly, it contradicts what I have witnessed in-clinic in over two decades of working holisitically to heal skin disorders. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

But, let’s step back a few decades.

In the late 1990’s I discovered the missing link between skincare and nutrition and began to transform skin disorders using a holistic approach. In those early days, my Janesce colleagues and I only ever recommended an Omega-6 rich oil to our clients who were suffering from skin disorders like acne or eczema. We didn’t understand the importance of Omega 3 back then so we didn’t prescribe it, but interestingly enough, the skin would still heal.


I remember when the message first filtered through that Omega-6’s were inflammatory. I freaked out and immediately rang my mentor, Janesce founder and naturopath, Janine Sarre-Smith. I asked, “Are we doing the wrong thing?” In her calm way, she said to me, “What do you see in clinic, Janine? What happens to your client’s skins when you give them Omega-6?”

I paused and thought about it. Most skin disorders share a common theme – inflammation.  Whether it is the redness of acne, the irritation of perioral or the red hot appearance of rosacea; the common denominator is very visible inflammation. What I saw with my clients was that when I prescribed omega-6, this inflammation would slowly regress as the skin healed.  That was my answer.

Now, you could argue that I was working from many angles to heal their skin, and you’d be right. I was using anti-inflammatory botanical actives topically, supplying the key nutrients required internally and removing the lifestyle factors that undermine skin health.  So perhaps the skin healed in spite of the omega-6?

I can see how you would think that. But what was really interesting was that my Janesce colleagues and I noticed that even if our client did absolutely everything we asked but didn’t take their Omega-6 oil, their progress would stop in its tracks. It seemed that the Omega-6 had to be present in order for the other factors to play their part. It was only after reintroducing the oil that their skin healing continued.


I want to encourage skincare therapists to trust their in-clinic experiences. Do not under-estimate the advantage and tacit knowledge you have as a skincare practioner who works closely with skin year in and year out. You can see what does and doesn’t work in practise, not what should and shouldn’t work in theory.

So, experience taught me that omega-6 had an anti-inflammatory affect on skin disorders and led me to ask my next question: “why was that?”


EFA deficiency is one of the most common causes of skin problems. When present, EFA’s moisturise the skin from the inside out by nourishing the skin cells at the deepest layer of the epidermis. As this cell progresses to the upper layers of the skin it releases its beautiful oils creating plump, supple, glowing skin.  An EFA deficiency can present as either very oily, very dry skin or a compromised barrier and will exacerbate any inflammatory skin disorder. This is true of Omega 3 and Omega 6.

The Particular Skin Benfits of Omega-6

However, Omega-6 has a very important skin-specific fatty acid that Omega-3 does not contain – linoleic acid.  Linoleic acid is the the primary omega 6 fatty acid (the first link in the chain) and is a key component of an essential ceramide that is required for healthy skin barrier function. Without linoleic acid this ceramide does not form and the skin cannot protect itself from environmental irritants, resulting in an increased risk of skin disorders developing.

Linoleic acid is also required for healthy sebaceous flow. A deficiency can result in open and closed comedones, which exacerbates acne.  Clearly, our skin disorder clients were deficient in this important fatty acid, otherwise we wouldn’t see such a strong correlation between omega-6 supplementation and improvement in skin health.

That’s not to say that omega-3 is not important, of course. It is a very anti-inflammatory oil and its value in working with skin disorders cannot be denied. It’s just that omega-6 has what omega-3 does not, namely Linoeleic Acid, the skin-hero of the EFA family.



Being like a dog with a bone at this point, I still wanted to answer the question:
“But where does the idea that omega 6’s are pro-inflammatory come from?”

I think this chart gives us a clue as to how this mis-conception has become so popular.

As you can see, Omega 3 looks at safe as houses because it only has one production pathway and this results in localised hormones with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Omega-6, on the other hand, has two potential production pathways. The first results in the production of Series 1 prostaglandins (PGE1) which are localised hormones with an anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting effect.  So far, so good.

The second pathway results in the production of Series 2 prostaglandins, which are inflammatory and clotting. People see the pathway leading to pro-inflammatory PGE2 and LTBR and freak out.  However, what they don’t realise is that the body will only produce those anti-inflammatory acids, if it needs them.


Pause for a moment to think about it.  When might a pro-inflammatory compound be helpful and even necessary?  If we are wounded, we need clotting and inflammation to heal the wound and prevent us from bleeding out. This pro-inflammatory pathway option is actually vital for our survival.  Once the crisis has passed, the body needs to return to an anti-inflammatory state for healing and repair.

Good quality omega-6 oils are capable of moving between these two states to our advantage.  i.e. They can produce anti-inflammatory acids when needed, and then go back to producing anti-inflammatory acids when the crisis has passed.  However trans-fats and saturated fat sources of omega-6 will always go down the pathway resulting in the production of Series 2 prostaglandins and will indeed be inflammatory.

What conclusion should we draw from this?

I propose that instead of asking: “Should I prescribe omega-6 to my clients?”, we should be asking “Am I prescribing a good quality omega-6 oil to my clients and ensuring it is accompanied by good quality source of omega-3 oil as well?


So what does the research say about the link between inflammation and omega-6?  A well known study by Walter C. Willett, an American physician and nutrition researcher,examining the relationship between omega-6 consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease also investigated the potential link between omega-6 and inflammation (1).The results of the study found that consuming omega-6 decreased your risk of developing heart disease.  It also showed that omega 6 does notincrease the levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.

Other studies have found that diets high in omega-6 sources have a stronger anti-inflammatory affect on the body compared to diets high in saturated fat.This certainly backs up the results I see in clinic where we are dealing with visible, measurable inflammation that dramatically reduces with the introduction of omega-6.

In addition, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health investigated 126,233 participants from two prospective cohort studies, the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (2). The study had a large sample size and undertook repeated and validated measurements of diet and lifestyle over an extended period of follow-up (up to 32 years).

The study found that higher intakes of saturated and trans fats (the bad fats found in chips, fried foods, meat fats etc.) were associated with a greater risk of mortality. In contrast an increased intake of polyunsaturated fats (the healthy fats including omega 3 and 6 found in flaxseed and safflower oil, salmon, avocados etc.) were associated with a lower risk of premature death from any cause including cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease and respiratory disease.

What About Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6?

Another common misconception is that we need to have an optimum ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. This speculation of an optimum ratio has not been supported by evidence in humans (3). In fact, The Harvard College of Public Health states that the healthiest populations have an abundance of both omega-6 and omega-3 in their diets.

When I first produced and formulated Bestow Beauty Oil as a skin-friendly EFA supplement, I incorporated both omega-3 and omega-6 oils sourced from organic flaxseed and safflower oil.  For a decade now, Bestow Beauty Oil has been supporting many women’s skin health and healing as part of a holistic skincare strategy.


The upshot of all this is that we need to prescribe both omega-3 and omega-6 to our clients for skin health.  The evidence – both in repuatable research and in our hands-on experience in clinic does notsupport the popular misconception that omega-6 is pro-inflammatory.

I feel we need to look to more common irritants like gluten, sugar, alcohol and processed foods as a source of inflammation in our clients’ skins.

But, that is a blog post for another day…

Janine Tait is New Zealand’s leading dermo-nutritionist, the New Zealand distributor/educator for Janesce Skincare and the founder of Bestow Beauty, a wellness company supporting skin transformation through skin nutrition boosters, recipes and rituals. 

1. Willett WC. The role of dietary n-6 fatty acids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Cardiovasc Med. (Hagerstown). 2007; 8 Suppl 1:S42-5

2. Mozaffarian D, Ascherio A, Hu FB, et al. Interplay between different polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in men. Circulation. 2005; 111:157-64

3. “Specific Dietary Fats in Relation to Total and Cause-Specific Mortality,” Dong D. Wang, Yanping Li, Stephanie E. Chiuve, Meir J. Stampfer, JoAnn E. Manson, Eric B. Rimm, Walter C. Willett, and Frank B. Hu, JAMA Internal Medicine, online July 5, 2016, doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2417

  • April 24, 2018

Experienced Janesce therapists are warmly invited to attend a free half-day mentoring session with Julia O’Gorman, on May 14th in Waiatarua, Auckland. Come and enjoy the tranquil bush setting and deepen your understanding of treating skin disorders the Janesce way. We’ll provide a healthy lunch for you to enjoy as you reconnect with fellow Janesce therapists.

Working with skin disorders can be challenging, even for experienced therapists, but it is some of the most rewarding work you can do. This mentoring session and lunch at Julia’s home overlooking the Waitakere Regional Park will be like a mini-retreat!  It will deepen your understanding and re-ignite your passion for healing skin disorders and transforming lives.  ~ Janine Tait


Julia O’Gorman has over three decades of beauty therapy experience and has worked with Janesce for the last 12 years. She has mentored clients through some remarkable skin transformations and during this session she will share her wisdom and learnings with you.


Healing Skin Disorders
1. How treating clients with skin disorders can be transformational for your business.
2. How to trouble-shoot and overcome road-blocks when treating skin disorders.
3. How to motivate and inspire your client through a change process.

Janesce Naturopathic Product Knowledge

Case Studies

Q&A | An opportunity to review your client challenges


Please email Jenny Barrow to secure your spot.  Spaces are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.  When you book please provide your name and your clinic name. If you would like the opportunity to discuss a current skin disorder client case with the group, please send a photograph and paragraph about their situation to Jenny.

When: Monday 14th May, 10am-2pm
14 Cascade Avenue, Waiatarua, Auckland
Who: Janesce Therapists who are already working with skin disorders or are interested in starting.
Cost: Free (lunch is provided)

The view of Waitakere Regional Park from Julia's home.
  • April 12, 2018

Jeanine Chell has been mentoring clients through skin transformations for 15 years and has seen some amazing turn-arounds in that time. But when her holistic approach to treating a client’s chin rash led to a dramatic improvement in his heart condition, her faith in the Slow Beauty philosophy at the heart of Janesce and Bestow became even stronger.

Here is her first-hand account of this remarkable skin-coaching journey.


Jeremy* had been a craniosacral therapy client of mine for two-and-a-half years when he asked me to have a look at his skin. His skin was quite dry, sun damaged and fragile in places with impaired barrier function, but since he had come to me for pain management, we had never spoken about skincare.

This day was different: Jeremy asked for advice about a blistery rash presenting on his chin. He said it had developed over the last six weeks and was progressively getting worse. It felt sore and stingy and despite being a level headed and calm man, Jeremy admitted that the rash made feel self-conscious and uncomfortable.


Jeremy’s chin rash was a clear case of peri-oral dermatitis which often presents as raised, red patches and irritation around the nose and chin. This skin condition can often (but not always) occur after periods or stress or ill health. Jeremy has a heart condition and arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). He’d had surgery to address this nine months earlier but it had not been successful. As a result, he went on stronger medication and it was not long after this that the rash first appeared. This may have been the trigger that caused this skin problem.


I interviewed Jeremy, gathering new information to consider alongside what I already knew about his habits and lifestyle. Jeremy wears a sleep apnea mask at night, which he thought might be irritating his skin. He ate spicy food and had one coffee a day and three wines a week. He had hot spas regularly at home.

Jeremy tended to eat larger meals and treats at the end of the day and ate very little in the mornings. He had one bowel movement every four to five days, so I knew his digestion wasn’t up to scratch. He also took quite a few supplements and smoothies in place of proper meals.

Jeremy’s liver function was also affected by all the medication he was on so he was having monthly blood tests to monitor his liver health.


I wanted to keep things simple in terms of topical treatment so as not to cause any further irritation. I was mindful that his skin barrier was weak and that because the Janesce Skincare botanical range is quite powerful I would have to start very gently.

The Janesce Hypersensitive Plus range was the best choice to gently heal and repair his skin.



My initial focus was on supporting the skin internally through diet, supplementation and lifestyle changes, which would take an absolute minimum of three to six months to take effect.

Jeremy had some changes to make, including reducing spicy foods, coffee and alcohol. These are all heating foods which increase the capillary blood flow to the skin, exacerbating skin redness and inflammation.

He changed his eating patterns by starting the day off with a bigger breakfast. He added in mid-morning and afternoon snacks in conjunction with a smaller dinner. The end goal was for him to stop taking hot spas, cut right back on heating and congesting foods and drinks, and ultimately eliminate coffee and alcohol altogether.

We reviewed his nutritional intake and found that some essential nutrients were missing. I suggested he start taking the following Janesce skin- specific supplements: B complex, Zinc Repair, and Aperitif (a liver tonic) as well as Bestow Beauty Plus Oil for skin-friendly Essential Fatty Acids. EFA’s are vital for moisturizing the skin from within and for producing quality sebum which acts a healing and protective film on the surface of the skin.




I had Jeremy begin soaking his skin using warm water and a soaking cloth morning and night, followed by Janesce Avocado Sesame oil, cocktailed with Janesce Soothing Mist. A month later, I introduced Janesce Lavender Soaking Drops into his skin soaking routine.



There were times during the first two months where the Janesce Soothing Mist was too strong and made his skin redder after use, so I got him to stop using it for a couple weeks then slowly introduce one spray back into his morning and evening routine.


When Jeremy came back for his second visit three weeks later his skin looked better but the rash was still prevalent. At his third visit, his skin was still going through the healing process, but he was showing huge improvements in his general health and well-being. His liver function returned to normal, which was quite a phenomenal by-product of this skin transformation strategy. His energy, digestion had improved and his heart was back in sinus rhythm (normal heart pattern) for the first time for over 18 months. Wow!

In this case, taking a holistic approach to diet, supplementation and lifestyle were able to accomplish what surgery and medication had not.

The chin rash took time to heal – in fact it started to look worse before it got better, which is often the case with skin condition flare ups. My confidence wavered so I called Janesce and Bestow experts, Janine Tait and Julia O’Gorman, who reassured me that peri-oral dermatitis is stubborn, taking at least three months to heal. After his fourth visit, Jeremy and I were both thrilled to see a big improvement and at visit five, his chin was almost completely clear.



Jeremy and I have monthly consultations and I make sure to stay in regular contact with him in between appointments. I give him advice and explanations and always ask him plenty of questions. Jeremy was committed right from the get-go and was a great sport during this coaching process. His one weakness is sometimes forgetting to take the Janesce Aperitif, so I have helped him come up with tips so he’ll remember. The impact of this daily liver-cleansing tonic for clearing skin cannot be underestimated.



Jeremy’s chin is completely clear! His overall complexion is much more hydrated and his skin tone look more even. He feels much healthier and more confident. His digestion has improved dramatically, his liver is at normal function and his heart is still in sinus rhythm.


Jeremy’s commitment and discipline to making the necessary changes were crucial. When my confidence wavered, having reassurance from Janine and Julia kept me going. Recognising that the products like Janesce Soothing Mist can be too strong on a weakened skin was important to his long-term success. Probably the biggest lesson to take away from this case study is that working internally is key – it is well over half the battle.

Today, almost one year later, Jeremy’s skin is clear and he continues to nourish his skin from within with Bestow Beauty from Beneath (a skin- specific vitamin supplement) and Bestow Beauty Plus Oil. He continues to soak with Janesce Lavender Drops, uses the Janesce Soothing Mist and Janesce Avocado Sesame Oil. He takes the Janesce Aperitif daily – when he remembers (we’re still working on this one)!

*Client name has been changed.

  • April 12, 2018

New Janesce therapists are warmly invited to attend a free mentoring session with Simone Rose on Monday, May 7th  in Birkenhead, Auckland. 

As you know, the Janesce way of working is multi-dimensional. It can take time to learn how to bring together the various elements of botanical skincare, skin nutrition, and lifestyle changes into your consultations with your clients. I want to support you in your ongoing journey by connecting you with experienced Janesce therapists who can share the wisdom of their journey with you. ~ Janine Tait


Simone Rose has over a decade of experience with Janesce and really walks the walk when it comes to holistic skincare. She has mentored clients through some remarkable skin transformations and during this session she will share some client consultation tips which will help you to grow in confidence in your work with your clients.


What Makes Janesce Therapists Special?

The Art of Consultation
1. How to gain your client’s trust with one visit.
2. How to educate your client using simple, effective illustrations.
3. How to link education with sales.

Janesce Product Knowledge

Case Studies



Please email Jenny Barrow to secure your spot.  Spaces are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.  When you book please provide your name, your clinic and one question you currently have about working the Janesce way.

When: Monday 7th May, 10am-1pm
Birkenhead (Venue to be advised)
Who: Janesce Therapists who have had less than two years’ experience working with Janesce.

  • April 9, 2018

Julia O’Gorman’s personal skin transformation is something of a ‘rags to riches’ tale. As a young girl in the UK, she struggled with a severe case of eczema; today her radiant skin reveals no trace of any past hardship. This early experience led Julia into the field of beauty therapy where she is empathetic to her clients’ skincare struggles. Today, Julia is not only a sought-after clinician with her own clinic Julia O’Gorman: Natural Beauty Therapy and Massage, in Auckland., she is also a Slow Beauty ambassador.

Let’s hear how Julia’s own skin story became the catalyst for a life-long career as a holistic beauty therapist.

Julia, tell us about your childhood struggles with your skin.

I experienced debilitating eczema on my face and body as a child and into my teenage years. We recognised that water made my skin drier and the doctor treated me with steroid cream. The more I used, the more fragile my skin became but I didn’t know what else to do.

My skin was red, dry, cracked and would often bleed. I had red rashes in the crooks of my arms and on my face, neck and behind my knees. I would scratch in my sleep – I tried wearing gloves but I would pull them off and scratch. Mum has this story where we were travelling on an overnight train to Germany and I was scratching in my sleep so much that the other passengers looked at me as if I were a leper!

How did your skin impact you emotionally?

My self-confidence was low. It was very uncomfortable and I felt like something was wrong with me.

What approaches did you use to try to heal your skin?

I avoided using water and soap. I had to use cleansers and moisturisers from a young age, but we couldn’t afford anything too expensive, so it wasn’t clinic-grade moisturiser.

I learnt to control the symptoms with acqueous and steroid creams. That was all that I knew to use at the time.

How did this experience motivate you to become a beauty therapist?

Having experienced such bad eczema, I decided that I wanted to help people with problematic skin. I felt I would be able to empathise and relate to my clients, and I was also hoping to deepen the treatment of my own skin.

At fifteen, I went to college in the UK for three years and received excellent training incorporating all aspects of beauty therapy, including electrolysis, business management and even floral arrangement so we could display bouquets in our salons.

What led you down the holistic skincare path?

Over the years, I had learnt that the best approach to skin was healing hands and good quality, natural products. With harsher products my hands got dry, cracked and sore and I thought, if this is hurting my hands, it can’t be good for my client’s face. My own early skin struggles, my realisation that machine-based facial treatments disrupt the skin’s barrier, these early experiences with clients…all of this combined and led me to believe in treating the skin gently while also healing and nurturing the spirit and soul.

As it turned out, I had been working in a ‘holistic’ way with my clients for quite some time before I realised there was a word for my bespoke facials and use of natural skincare products!

When did you first cross paths with Janine Tait?

I first met Janine about ten years ago and we clicked immediately – we spoke the same language. I was so excited to find a kindred spirit! Janine and I often talk about our personal journeys and encourage each other to slow down, chew our food and meditate.

 Janine always goes the extra mile. I trust her implicitly and trust her recommendations. She is a wonderful mentor and role model.

What impact did Janesce have on your own skin?

 As soon as I started using Janesce my skin improved. I would still have flare ups from time to time when I was stressed or did too many facials in a row. It was when I implemented the Bestow Beauty Oil and participated in the Seven Days of Me Vital Cleanse – when I started working internally – that I saw the biggest change.

I had to use the hypersensitive regime for nearly three years until my skin was strong enough to be able to use moisturisers. I say I can now use ‘big girl creams’ and, for a skin that has been sensitive for 53 years, I think that’s really good!

How does the Janesce product range align with your values?

Janesce completely aligns with my philosophy of treating the skin gently and keeping the acid mantel intact. The Janesce philosophy is a lifestyle, not just a skin product, and we are a family of dedicated professionals.

I also love the Bestow Beauty range. They are fantastic products and have made a huge difference to both my skin and my clients’.

What role does wellness play in your life?

 I have tried many different wellness modalities and, even before I learnt about Janine’s ‘Seven Days of Me Vital Cleanse’, I did a detox every year. Pursuing wellness makes me feel good and lets me find balance in my busy life. It’s very important to keep a balance between giving to others and giving to yourself. Many therapists burn out because they haven’t figured out how to look after themselves first. It is also important to keep my skin looking great as an advertisement for my business.

What motivates you as a skin health coach?

I love helping people, and I hate to be beaten. Stubborn skin and challenging clients are hugely motivating. I have had some challenging clients who stick to what I tell them for a while, then get pulled in by the latest fad which will send their skin reeling backwards. I am quite firm with my clients because I like to see results. Communication and staying in touch is key and I always make myself available. I am empathetic with their journey. One of the key things is to teach clients to love their skin; we all have imperfections but we need to focus on the positive aspects of ourselves if we will ever be happy.

  • January 31, 2018