The GUT-SKIN Connection Series
I am delighted to launch a new series of lessons on Bestow University called The Gut-Skin Connection.
This is a topic that I am both professionally and passionate about it. I’ve noticed that therapists all over New Zealand and Australia are hungry for knowledge about gut-health.
Gut-health is on trend for good reason. Science is revealing what we have known in holistic skincare for decades – the link between gut health and skin health is very direct.
My team and are passionate about gut health and we had a lot of fun producing this series for you. I can’t wait for you to watch these videos!

Introduction to the Gut-Skin Connection Series
Follow these simple steps:
- Go to
- Enter the email address and password you set-up when you originally did Bestow University. If you cannot remember your password, click the ‘Forgot Your Password?’ link to re-set.
- When you log-in, go to the seven new lessons on the platform beginning with the introduction to ‘The Gut-Skin Connection Series’ and complete the training process as usual.
NB: If you have not yet completed phase one and phase two of Bestow University, you will need to complete those lessons first in order to access the Gut-Skin Connection lesson series.
- If you have any questions please contact Jenny on
Please note: Bestow University is only available for approved Bestow stockists.
Click Here for information on how to become a Bestow stockist.