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We all know that looking after ourselves is important but somehow it seems like a struggle for many of us. It can be overwhelming at the best of times to make sure we are eating well, resting, exercising, and doing all those other things that ensure our overall health and wellbeing is good.

So we decided to make it a bit easier by giving you a list of 20 things you can focus on that will help your overall health and wellbeing. Be sure to take note of those things you already doing and then focus on a few at a time to work on until they just become part of your life.

1. Start fresh every single day
Leave behind the negative feelings and thoughts of yesterday, today is a new day.

2. Adopt a “meatless Monday” mentality
For recipe ideas check out this fun website

3. Keep your phone in your bag when you’re out with people
Be present in the moment and enjoy the company

4. Cut back on sugar
Cutting back on the white stuff in all its forms can help improve the quality of your collagen, helping stop premature aging and wrinkles

5. Drink warm water with lemon daily on rising
A simple yet effective way to prepare your body to digest your most important meal of the day, breakfast

6. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach
We all know why! It ends up costing more and we often make unhelpful food choices

7. Eat whole foods as much as possible
The less processed food you consume, the better!

8. Don’t overdo the alcohol
Alcohol heats and dehydrates your skin (red wine in particular stimulates and weakens capillaries) as well as putting stress on your liver

9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Water is one of the key nutrients needed for skin health, important in hydrating your skin from the inside

10. Make your home a place you want to be
A place to rest and relax

11. Don’t buy things you’ll only wear once
It happens to the best of us…. doing it less will save money… think of what you could do with that money instead

12. Use YouTube for free exercise videos
We particularly like this Pilates one

13. Google “how to make your own cleaning supplies”
You might even find one you want to try!

14. Listen to your body
It speaks to you all the time, so keep an ear out

15. Don’t skimp on sleep
Sleep gives you energy and allows your body to rest and recover. It is especially important during the hours of 10pm and 2am when your liver does its daily washing cycle, cleaning the body internally.

16. Do mental health checks
Checking in with yourself mentally is just as important as looking after your physical health. It can be as simple as asking yourself how you are feeling at the moment or check out this information sheet for something more in depth details

17. Read labels on everything from food to makeup
It is always good to know what you are giving your body, whether through eating or what you are putting on your skin

18. Prioritise stress management
Stress creates all sorts of problems with our health and wellbeing, it can heat our skin and affect our gut health to name a few. Help manage stress with regular exercise, making time for fun and relaxation and adopting a healthy lifestyle

19. Always wear a seatbelt, even in a taxi
Your life is precious – do what you can to be safe

20. Count your blessings
Be grateful for what you have, it is enough

  • July 17, 2015

As the days get cooler we are thinking about lots of ways to warm up… roaring fires, cups of tea and slow cooker meals…. The last thing we want to do though, is warm up our skin and cause it to become heated, appearing red and inflamed. Instead we should focus on eating the foods below that have a cooling effect on the skin.

5 food types that cool the skin and reduce redness and inflammation:

Fresh Herbs

Nature has provided us with a beautiful array of herbs, each with its own distinct flavour. Herbs are best enjoyed fresh and if you don’t have a herb garden, they are one of the easiest to grow and there is no need for lots of space either. Herb plants grow just as well in a small pot on a windowsill as they do outside so no excuses! They have amazing to throw into just about any meal and provide a wonderful garnish.

Less ‘spicy’ spices

Although many people enjoy ‘spicy’ food, curry, chilli and cayenne are particular cuplrits when it comes to heating the skin, so go for some alternatives. You can still enjoy spicy food by using spices such as ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cardamon, cinnamon, cumin, caraway, coriander and mustard seeds. These can all provide a certain ‘spice’ to your food without having the same effect on your skin.

Herbal teas

On a cold day there is nothing better I like to treat myself to than a delicious herbal tea by a cosy fire. Some of our favourites are Chai, Ecco, Rooibos, Caro and Hibiscus Flower, although if you do have a particular hankering for the taste of coffee, decaffeinated would be a better option. Herbal teas are a great replacement for those times when you would otherwise have coffee, alcohol or an energy drink. All of these not only heat but also dehydrate the skin and it is especially important to avoid red wine if experiencing sensitive skin.


Fresh seasonal fruit

Shopping at your local farmers market allows you to truly make the most of seasonal fruit. It can mean your dollars go further too as you are not buying fruit out of season from the supermarket, and let’s not forget that it is most likely to be organic and locally produced! The only fruit to be weary of are oranges and strawberries, which heat the skin, the rest are great and provide fibre and anti-oxidants, not to mention all the other health benefits.

Medjool dates and figs

When it comes to ‘treating’ ourselves, most of us like to do it with food. The next time you feel the need to ‘treat’ yourself, instead of reaching for the chocolate, which contains caffeine and saturated fats that irritate the skin, reach for a medjool date or fig. Both of these are not only delicious but provide that idea of a ‘treat’. There are a number of wonderful slices, cakes, and desserts that include these in our Treats recipe journal, created with that moment in mind.


  • May 11, 2015